Look what I found!
An ice cream bowl.
An ice cream bowl.
I'll get the rest of that ice cream.
Happy smile.
One of my new favorite hobbies.
Just playing.
Hmm...a cord.
Got out this seat again recently.
Not sure why I haven't been using it for the last several months.
Except that her feet hang way off the end.
Here's a clapping sequence.
Very cute and funny.
Clap, clap, clap.
In other news:
* Saw an armadillo carcass today while out walking with Summer. Wish I had the camera. Maybe tomorrow we'll go back to get a picture.
* House plans = almost finished (for real this time).
* Summer stands up by herself sometimes. Usually, whenever she realizes that she's not leaning on anything, she gets scared and plops down. (Very funny!)
* Probably will not be walking by her first birthday!
* Nice weather the last three days after several chilly/windy/rainy days. Spent some time outside. Summer getting over a cold.
* That's all my stories for now.