Sunday, January 30, 2011


Look what I found!
An ice cream bowl.
I'll get the rest of that ice cream.
Happy smile.
One of my new favorite hobbies.
Just playing.
Hmm...a cord.
Got out this seat again recently.
Not sure why I haven't been using it for the last several months.
Except that her feet hang way off the end.
Here's a clapping sequence.
Very cute and funny.
Clap, clap, clap.
That's all.
In other news:
* Saw an armadillo carcass today while out walking with Summer. Wish I had the camera. Maybe tomorrow we'll go back to get a picture.
* House plans = almost finished (for real this time).
* Summer stands up by herself sometimes. Usually, whenever she realizes that she's not leaning on anything, she gets scared and plops down. (Very funny!)
* Probably will not be walking by her first birthday!
* Nice weather the last three days after several chilly/windy/rainy days. Spent some time outside. Summer getting over a cold.
* That's all my stories for now.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cleaning out the cupboards

This is one of my new favorite pictures of Summer!
Eating the phone (trying to get her to lay still for a diaper change.)

What a poser! (Who just ate a cookie by herself.)

Big mess!

Happy smile though...
All tucked in the carseat.
Playing with her toys.
New favorite hobby. Pulling all of the cards and envelopes out of the desk drawer.
Then pushing them around on the floor.

Looking like a big kid!
Crawling off somewhere.
Hi again!
Back to my favorite mess!
Penelope - peacefully sleeping on the bed.
Summer came to visit.
This was right before Summer dove off headfirst after her.

Tangling my yarn some more.

So much fun!
Playing with the string on her little outfit.
So happy to smile for the camera.
See, here's my smile without paci...
Weirdest expression caught on camera. (She hasn't done this one before.)
I need that paci back.
Now I'm happy again!
Other favorite hobby - cleaning out the kitchen cabinets.
I'm hard at work, people!
Licking the front of the oven. (Gross.)
Look what I did - I made a spot!
Swimming around on the floor.
About to climb something (she doesn't crawl with her tummy off the ground, but she does get up in this position when she's about to pull up on something.)
Back to my cabinet cleaning. Already got three doors open.
And I suppose I'll close with this one. :) (Pun intended.)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Eleven Months of Summer

Oh what fun!
I believe Summer ate some plastic that was on these candy canes...and some candy cane pieces.

I hope it all turns out okay.
(Different outfits....there were at least two candy cane eating incidents.)

Can't believe it's been a month since I posted pictures. Must have been gone for a few weeks.
We didn't weigh Summer today (on her month birthday), maybe tomorrow. I hope she's gained some weight. (Forward facing carseat in two more pounds.)
Here's a sweet little sleeper.
I haven't taken sleeping pictures for a while.
Our funniest pictures of the month.
All tucked in.
The lighted Christmas parade early in December. Very pretty.

Some charming horses.
One day we were out on Glass Lane, and this longhorn, who usually grazes on our property with all his buddies, was over visiting the neighbor. We stopped to tell the neighbor who owns the longhorns that one was out. "Oh really, you mean the one who I just put back in?" The fence on our property is so low that they can step right over it. I was kinda hoping he might try to fix the fence for us.....since he's the one who has to keeping rounding up his straying cattle.
Summer's new push toy! So much fun!
Eating supper.
A familiar sight.
She loves pulling up on everything. I'll be glad when she has a little more balance and doesn't tumble as often.