Friday, May 28, 2010

Some Firsts....

Our little redhead's sitting up like a big kid.
Once wasn't enough. (For some reason these pictures make me laugh.)

Okay, here's the first of the firsts: Summer is turning halfway over. She likes to lay on her side - no interest in turning the rest of the way over.

The second first: Likes playing with her toys.

We predict the blue eyes will last.

The next first: Our first snake. Scott was mowing and saw a snake, so he got a shovel and went to get him. Took a swing...doink. This guy is plastic. Yeah, yeah, I know, he looks like the fakest snake ever, but....why would there be a fake snake under the tree? Turns out Miss Nancy (our 85-year old neighbor) put it there to scare birds out of the fig tree.

This is such a classic Scott & Summer photo. (He was taking the photo....tickling her toes, one of their favorite things to do together.)

Hugging her little orange friend. (She does the bug eyes when we use the flash.)

I was expecting a delivery the other day, and I randomly went out to check if it came yet, and I found this lady on our porch. (It aint Penelope!) This cat hangs around our yard sometimes. I've had several double-take moments - how did Penelope get outside? Their faces look very different though. I would post a picture of Pen, but she's hiding under the bed right now, I believe.
Interesting insect we found outside. (Maybe a southern version of a praying mantis?)
My big first: Saw my first snake! A real one. On the evening jog last night. Thought it was a branch in someone's driveway at first, but I turned to look back. Yep. Holding it's head up at first, but as I stood watching it, it turned away and slithered off. I hate snakes as much as everyone else in the world but it was pretty interesting to see slithering along. It was about two and a half feet long or so but skinny. Don't think it was a rattlesnake.
Ah yes, the other first: Summer's haircut. Only a little piece where she got something stuck in it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome to our Neighborhood

Yesterday we went for a little walk in our neighborhood to get some pictures.
Soon one of us checked out.
Unfortunately these pictures are in backwards order, but here is the tiny turtle I found. Double unfortunately, he's not alive. Scott's response to him being in the house: "Could you please get rid of that thing in case it comes back to life?" (And starts running around frantically, right?)

Here he was on the road.

See how tiny he was? (Like my shadow? It's for size comparison.)

We also saw this butterfly. Hard to get a picture of. It was Texas-sized, although it's hard to tell in the picture.
Here's the lazy Colorado.

And again, I was trying to get the red rocks in the distance - they're kinda covered by trees.
I almost ran this guy over. (It all happened so fast.)

Ah yes, this was another day. Two goats riding with the horse. Yes, this trailer was as precarious as it looks. At one point, one of the little goats' legs fell through the bottom of the trailer - he pulled himself back up. I was concerned for all of them. Just the other day I asked Scott...."Do you ever feel like you're living in a third world country?" That was when we were lost on a dirt road, although these guys kinda fit in that category.

This was our biggest downhill on our little walk. (Kinda scary with a stroller, or even just on foot without the stroller.) You can kinda see the Colorado running alongside the road down there.
Giant cactus in someone's yard.

I believe these things are called agave plants.

Here's some hills on our way to town. I didn't feel like the picture really captured the ups and downs. (This picture, of course, taken while driving, not walking.)

Monday, May 17, 2010

About that rain

Remember how I mentioned my predicted flooding the other night? We got about 3.5 inches, but by the time Scott left for work in the morning, there wasn't even standing water hanging around. My, my.....

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sweet little Summer

Hello, my friends.

I'm starting to grow out of my infant seat.

And my swing.

See how long I am?

And I'm squirmy.

But very cute.

Some days I'm a redhead.

I ran out of interesting commentary for these pictures, but I know what you're probably thinking, so here you go....yes, Summer wears clothes occasionally. And in case you weren't thinking it, yes, this last picture was taken in the middle of the night when she was asleep. (Flash + dark room + didn't wake up = good baby) She was just so precious, I didn't know what else to do, had to take a picture.

Summer and Friends, Part 2

Summer, laying down to a nap with all of her little buddies.
Five minutes later....
She sent those guys packin'. (Okay, I confess that I moved her big orange friend so I could take the picture.)
In other news...she's turning into a part-time pacifier baby. She used to be totally pacifier-free....I'm not sure if this is a move in the right direction or not.
And, in other news...remember the flooding in Nashville? I think that tomorrow we are going to wake up to reports of flooding in central Texas. Unbelievable rain happening outside, and apparently we don't usually get rain here in the summertime.
Tomorrow, more pictures of Summer - good ones!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Summer and Friends

Full of giggles. Hard to catch her looking at the camera - and you know I'm no expert.
Napping with her friend. Looks like she's holding his hand, eh?

Just sitting together.
And her other "friend", Penelope, actually looking in her direction for a minute. Maybe Penelope thought she looked tame while she was sleeping.
My first friend was a giant orange critter....
(I haven't taken many pictures for a while. Maybe tomorrow.)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Something more pleasant than the last photos...

First, a disclaimer - I haven't figured out how to upload these pictures in the order I want, so anyway, here's Summer with her latest fascination. To be honest, I read on the box when we were setting up the swing that the reflective surface on the bottom of the mobile was supposed to be so fun and stimulating for the baby, and I kinda rolled my eyes, had no idea Summer would love looking in the mirror so much!
She loves to talk to the baby in the mirror.
Hi again!
I have several pictures like this one. I couldn't get her to look at the camera. Guess who was off to her left? Yep, Penelope!
Just got out of the bath....

Loves her little lamb...
Loves her play gym.
Loves her friend Penelope. (Penelope's heading for safety though.)
Here's Penelope looking a little more fluffy than that last picture of her I posted. She was hanging out with my new yarn ball (maybe she thought it was another cat?) Scott's reaction to the new yarn ball..."What are you going to make with that, a comforter?"
Awwww, don't you just want to pull on her paws?

Still loves her baths.
Any votes on who she looks like?