Tuesday, June 28, 2011

May it be on Earth as it is in Texas

So there's this local radio station that uses that line ("May it be on Earth as it is in Texas") as one of their little jingle things. I heartily shout "Amen!", especially when it's 105 degrees. They used to say "May it be in Heaven as it is in Austin, Texas". That must have ruffled some feathers because that one disappeared. Speaking of ruffled feathers, twice recently I have been out and about and saw a little sign that says "Raising children is like being pecked to death by a chicken." Amen! (again) I've been thinking of getting one of those signs myself, but thought it might be insufficient. Maybe I should paint that as a giant mural on our new kitchen wall.
I wonder how being pecked to death by a chicken compares to being pecked to death by a goose, because.....I would know! I like to take old bread with us to the park to feed the ducks and geese....a very common thing to do around here. So that's what I was doing the other night, and some evil goose pecked me in the knee. Seriously. So I threw (with my 90 mph fastball) a hot dog bun at his head. Scott thought this was an overreaction. Ahm, he lives at the park, I think he needs to learn to "play well with others". I thought I was justified in teaching him a lesson. Right?
Anyway, here are some trenches that Scott dug. One is for a waterline and the other for a powerline.

Wire, it turns out, is ver' expensive.

Lately I've been thinking of things in terms of dishwashers. Mostly because I underbudgeted for a dishwasher. (Who knew?) So I need something else to come in under budget so we can exceed the budget on the dishwasher. And the range, but I haven't started worrying about that yet. (Probably mostly because we use the dishwasher daily lately, range = not so much.)

So anyway, one measly wire is worth two fancy dishwashers. Lame.
This is Summer and I when we came to watch the trench digging.

(I imagine it may be obvious that a trench digger was rented, this was not done by hand, as Tristan thought it was....ha ha ha.)
It was a bright, sunny day.
For some reason I think this picture is so cute even though she's doing the scrunched nose thing.

(Oh dear, I just deleted a picture, not sure what it was...some house picture. Oh well, more progress shown below.)

Summer, asleep.

Ironically, Summer is both a night owl like her mother and a morning bird like her dad.

Very uncool.

How I know that being a morning person is programmed into you and not a learned behavior:

This morning I was with Summer (she was asleep, amazing, I know, that I was awake, anyway...), but the phone rang, and she flipped her eyes open, immediately bounced up and took off.

If she was normal, what would have happened:

Phone rings. Roll over once. Phone rings again. Roll back the other way, rub eyes. Phone rings again. Blink one eye open. Five minutes later, both eyes open. Ten minutes later, sit up in crib.

Ah, rafters. This photo is from the road.

Looking more like a house all the time.

View from an upstairs window. (I'm still fascinated by the fire, and how close it came to our house.) There's the burnt stuff.

Very spoiled baby who loves to climb.

Interestingly enough, the biggest room in the house is a bedroom (except maybe the kitchen, I should get my facts straight before I start telling stories) and it's not the master bedroom.

This is the big bedroom, and that's a dormer that Tristan is sitting in.

Oh, how boring, I thought there were more pictures. Maybe someday soon. I have been making frequent trips to Glass Lane, and progress is more interesting lately.

P.S. - In case it's on the tip of your mind, the real prayer says "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Don't be alarmed!

Ah, the house is looking a little different. It's a little alarming like this, will look better when the other dormers and stuff are in place.
So we found a flaw in the house plans. Ooops. Totally my fault.
It gets kinda tricky looking at the plans and remembering that the ceilings upstairs are sloping, etc. Anyway, we had a vanity against a bathroom wall that is only 5.5 feet tall. Doesn't work so great to put a mirror above it when there are people in the house taller than 5.5 feet (that does not include me or Summer).
So anyway, the end of the story is that we moved the stuff around in the bathroom and actually gained a built in cabinet (on the attic side, that's what's cool about story and a half houses). Nice. That solved our problem of no linen closet with that bathroom.
So anyway, I'll put this incident away in my "God provides for idiots" file.

The front will look a lot different when there's a porch roof between the first and second story. In the back, the big opening is another patio door going out to the deck. Apparently the first rafter was also placed today.
Clouds in the sky. We got rain Wednesday night. Not a lot, but we did lose 30 degrees yesterday. It was 75 degrees when Summer and I were at the park.

Playing at home. Felt like I needed more Summer pictures to make everything more interesting. So I started clicking. And then life got more interesting........

A while ago, I read that babies are supposed to start self-feeding at this age.

I thought 'what a mess' and 'how annoying', but she was reaching for the spoon, and I finally thought 'she needs to learn sometime'. So anyway, this is how it went.

What is this stuff?

Ah, easier to eat like the kitty.

And with fingers.

Face first.

Actually, this works great as a toy.

Play hide and seek with it.

Get some yogurt in my hair.

Okay, now I'm tired of it!

Get it away from me!

Rescue me!

Rescue me!

Monday, June 20, 2011

More wildfires, House is doing well

Hello friends!

Here's babydoll doing her little expression that she likes to make. Hair has grown quite a bit.
Loves to talk on the phone.

Here's the front of the house. There's the well being drilled on the right side of the photo.

Yep, there's the well stuff.

And there's the house.

Back to the well.

It's done now, with the drilling part anyway, there's still more to do.

I didn't actually know what to take pictures of when I was there the other day, so I just walked around and clicked.

From the living room, facing into the dining room/kitchen.

Summer, who just ate part of my protein bar, loves running around outside, even though she gets hot and sweaty....ALWAYS wants to be outside. Looking a little rosy here.

Running around in the kitchen.

View of our bedroom from the kitchen.

View from bedroom of closet and bathroom.

Laundry room.

Living room.

Mudroom and bathroom.


View from our bedroom.

Have I ever mentioned that the herd of longhorns who roam our property have had a bunch of babies, and the babies love running up and down this dirtpile? It's so cute. The babies all went on a stampede a few weeks ago when we were out there. It was fun to watch.


Living room.

Garage and well.

(By the way, I was trying to be funny there in the title - that was a pun, our most interesting house progress is that we now have a well.)
Summer, asleep in her crib. A little squished when she sleeps this direction.

I think the flash was bothering her when I was taking pictures that night, she kept rolling around.

She's really not into covers, if we put some on her, she just kicks them off.

Sweet thing.

Ah yes, so we had a wildfire out by our house.

The neighbors are building a barn, and they were cutting metal, a spark from their cutting started a fire.

There's the path of the fire.

I guess the wind was blowing it across our "front yard". When it reached the road, it didn't have anywhere to go, so it started coming back towards our house. By that time, the fire department was there, and they got it out though.

This is the upstairs of the house. The open area is above the living room.

More of the fire.

I'm not sure what this is.....view from the upstairs.

More of the fire.


Back to Summer, and more in the series, "what happens when I'm not around."

This is one of her favorite hobbies, taking things out of things, emptying drawers, pulling down baskets and dumping them out, whatever she can find.

And she loves to give you whatever she has. Right now I'm waiting for her to find my hair clip again and happily give it back to me. Too bad you can't see her face in this picture, I think it would be my new favorite picture.

In other news, Baby #2 is doing well, recently has been trying to keel me, so I went to the chiropractor for the second time in my life today. I made it through the appointment on my own without fainting (unlike my first experience). This chiropractor, though, had the good sense to refrain from showing me red (looking a little bloody) pictures of the muscular system and didn't use phrases like "bones grinding against muscle". (That was one of the last phrases I remembered him saying before everything started going dark.)