Humbug....after my last post, I was hoping to post again soon because that one was so messed up and I was too lazy to try to fix it, but just now I see that this crazy thing is trying to mess up my pictures and words again!
(This is Summer cleaning up a mess she had made the day before. Yeah...the corn syrup story, it was all over, and I cleaned it up. The next day she got out some towels and started cleaning the floor. Very sweet. Too bad she wasn't a day earlier. Or better yet....just don't pour corn syrup on the floor.)
Today my brilliant morning started with, actually started last night when we got home from church and found a message from the 80-year-old landlord saying that she wanted to show the duplex to someone this morning at 10:30. Good thing the entire place isn't a giant disaster.
(House....hardieboard = painted. Desperately needing some landscaping and shutters.)
So, of all the noble intentions of wonderful things I wanted to do today, and all the things that I needed to do today, my first priority suddenly least do the dishes before these people arrive.
So that's what I was working on when they got here. It wasn't good. I don't think they were impressed. Lexi was sleeping when they got here - they woke her up, so I wasn't impressed either. ("We're so sorry for waking up your baby." "Oh, it's no problem. Not a big deal." As I'm walking toward the gun cabinet....)
Okay, so maybe that's a little drastic. I would not have done anything crazy. Now if Summer had been asleep....
In other news...Lexi is currently in stage owl. Trying to hold her is like lassoing a hampster. She spins her little head around and always wants to see whatever is directly behind her.
In other news....I sent out a Christmas picture that would make the hair stand up on even a mediocre photographer's neck. And I didn't even have Penelope in there. And speaking of photographers, someone recently told me, "anyone can be a professional photographer these days with these digital cameras." I gave him the squinty-eyed Forrest Gump glare. (He was not scared.)
Also, speaking of photographers, twice recently we've had good photographers visiting with those fancy cameras. I was jealous.
Summer - still not brilliant at eating - especially yogurt.
Sometimes I don't know why I bother feeding her. Nothing goes in her mouth. Somehow she is still alive (and always energetic....except for when she's not.)
Everyone around here has been sick lately. So life is quiet.....especially for me because my nose being all stuffed seems to help my ears not to work, so I can't hear anything anyway.
Ahhhh, isn't this a charming little thing? My first ever thing that someone asked me to knit for them. Shella took a little sweater like this that I knitted for Summer to show one of her coworkers and that lady wanted one like it for her 6-month old granddaughter. So I finished it, and was looking at it and thought, I shall try this on Lexi. Lexi, who has only spit up three times that I can think of in her five-month long life. She puked on it. In the two seconds it took to put it on her....covered in puke. Seriously.....
And, while I'm complaining, maybe I'll mention that the Jeep is still getting fixed.....after two months.
Maybe it's a good thing I don't have a vehicle to drive or I would run away one of these days.
In general, though, can't complain. The house has been kinda fun for me lately. I've been having fun picking some things out and ordering them. Yesterday a sink arrived on our doorstep here, and a garage door opener was delivered to Glass Lane. My list of things yet to pick out is getting shorter.
This is Summer, posing (yes, posing) for Scott one Sunday morning.
She also let him put hairclips in her hair. (She never does this kind of stuff for me. I have to chase her around the duplex spraying detangling spray at her, and thinking that is as good as it gets for her hair for the day.....hopefully it will lay quasi-flat when it drys. No chance of combing through it or anything.) Maybe Scott and I should switch roles.
(No, Summer, I'm not saying it looks like you have a mullet. Your dad did grow up in the 80's though.......maybe that's where he gets his fashion ideas.)
(This is more like the real Summer.)
I'm running out of things to say.
Forgot to mention however long ago that was that Summer went to Illinois...when she came back, I went to pick her up at Rassi's. She was playing on the back patio. I went to get her and left Lex sleeping in the vehicle. Asked Summer "Where's Sissy?" And she got all excited and went running to go find Lex.
I think it took about four months, but now they really love each other.
Summer is apparently potty-training herself. I'm not sure what this is all about, but she has been doing this lately.
Christmas - delivered to our duplex. I called Amy in all my excitement and said "It feels like Christmas!!" and she said "it is Christmas." (Very perceptive - that girl.)
Was sad when I drove to town the other night and noticed that all the Christmas lights are down. The park & riverwalk were all decorated up and I loved it! As I was driving over the bridge, for the past several weeks, I could see all the lights from the riverwalk reflected in the water. Now they're done for the year. Back to the real world.
In general, though, can't complain. The house has been kinda fun for me lately. I've been having fun picking some things out and ordering them. Yesterday a sink arrived on our doorstep here, and a garage door opener was delivered to Glass Lane. My list of things yet to pick out is getting shorter.
This is Summer, posing (yes, posing) for Scott one Sunday morning.
She also let him put hairclips in her hair. (She never does this kind of stuff for me. I have to chase her around the duplex spraying detangling spray at her, and thinking that is as good as it gets for her hair for the day.....hopefully it will lay quasi-flat when it drys. No chance of combing through it or anything.) Maybe Scott and I should switch roles.
(No, Summer, I'm not saying it looks like you have a mullet. Your dad did grow up in the 80's though.......maybe that's where he gets his fashion ideas.)
(This is more like the real Summer.)
I'm running out of things to say.
Forgot to mention however long ago that was that Summer went to Illinois...when she came back, I went to pick her up at Rassi's. She was playing on the back patio. I went to get her and left Lex sleeping in the vehicle. Asked Summer "Where's Sissy?" And she got all excited and went running to go find Lex.
I think it took about four months, but now they really love each other.
Glad I did not see him climb up that ladder.
Summer is apparently potty-training herself. I'm not sure what this is all about, but she has been doing this lately.
Today's non-success: She sat there for a little while, then got distracted, ran off, peed on the floor. Twice. I thought that was bad. Was cleaning that up, when I heard that dreadful sound. (Did I mention that Summer has had diarhhea all week?)
(It was gross.)
(It was gross.)
Christmas - delivered to our duplex. I called Amy in all my excitement and said "It feels like Christmas!!" and she said "it is Christmas." (Very perceptive - that girl.)
Was sad when I drove to town the other night and noticed that all the Christmas lights are down. The park & riverwalk were all decorated up and I loved it! As I was driving over the bridge, for the past several weeks, I could see all the lights from the riverwalk reflected in the water. Now they're done for the year. Back to the real world.