Saturday, January 19, 2013

Happy New Year! (a little late)

So I had an idea of updating once a week or so, but I guess I'm not keeping up with that.  (This is another prizewinning self-portrait by Summer.  I take great joy in posting these because they always amuse me.  Also note that the little lens cover things aren't opening all the way on the camera anymore most of the time because two babies with sticky fingers are always playing with the camera.)
So, let me think what's new around here.  I ordered some cordless shades that turned out not to be cordless.  I wasn't annoyed about that at all.  No, not hopping mad for several days.  I consoled myself by telling myself that the babies would probably ruin them anyway, and we'll have to get new ones in a few years anyway, but that was little consolation because by the time they ruin them, they'll probably be old enough that cords aren't such a concern as they are now with little ones.  Sigh, oh well.  It is nice to have shades.  Feel like we're getting settled in the house.
Spent last Saturday afternoon at the Urgent Care in town.  (Urgent Care = some type of oxymoron, we had to wait an hour.)  Summer had a very unfortunate finger/door incident.  Not really sure what happened.  Summer came running to me with much blood and I took one glance at her finger and screamed for Scott.  (This saved us all the drama of me fainting.)  She was coming in the front door.  We had the windows open since it was very nice out (although very windy).  I think the door slammed on her finger somehow.  It was bad.  Seems to be healing okay.  The damage happened at the tip of her finger.  My great hope is that her fingernail will grow back.
Scott made a bench for the babies.  It's kinda funny because he made the bench kinda high so the babies could reach the table on it.  On the other side of the table, we have folding chairs (with hopes that he'll make chairs to match the table some day.)  Anyway, the table is a little taller than normal, so the folding chairs make you really short at the table.  So, if you have supper with us, you can sit on the bench side and be extra tall or on the folding chair side, and be really short.  Just last week, I decided to put their high chairs away, they were just in the way, and now that they have their bench, they're not going back in their high chairs again.
Had a little play date at our house - decorated some Christmas cookies.  (Lexi was a little upset that I left her there. Yep, she's a little clingy these days.  Hopefully, she settles down some after the new baby is born.....otherwise, we might have a real crisis.)
After I took this picture, I realized it was time for another little haircut for Lex.  She looks so hilarious in this picture.
Lexi will get wrinkles before her time....she's a very expressive kid.
And here's the new haircut.
Disclaimer, if you don't want to hear my shameless bragging, skip the next several picture.  This is our little craft project for the mom's group for the month of January.  I'm the "craft lady", so I plan/organize/get the supplies for our crafts.  (We do one craft a month.)  This month our theme was being healthy/meal planning, etc.  So this is a little meal planning thing to put on the fridge.  I made this sample one, and then I was going to send out a picture to the rest of the steering team to see if they approved.  Anyway, I was trying to be funny with my meals.  No one noticed or cared, unless everyone else eats peanut butter and jelly for supper.  It's probably not too far-fetched, I guess.  Anyway, if I was trying to be realistic, I would have put macaroni and cheese for at least four nights out of the week.
My first set of curtains.  Started by me....(that means, bought fabric and thought about them) and then bailed out by Mom when she came to visit.
Being a smart cookie, I just bought more fabric for the next time Mom comes back in a few weeks.  For curtains for Summer's room.  (Disclaimer:  I knew these particular shades weren't going to be cordless.)
Not sure what this expression was all about.  The girls got these dresses for Christmas, and I thought they were so cute.
Summer has a strange deal with always putting her finger in her mouth when she's smiling for a picture.  Seriously, I wonder if she's checking to see if her teeth are all there or something.

(The babies play on the kitchen table and on the counters all day long.  Can't wait until we're out of this stage.)
So anyway, probably the most interesting thing that has happened around here lately is that I was innocently sitting here (ver' late at night) doing stuff on the computer that I haven't been able to do for the last month....including listing some stuff on craigslist.  So anyway, it's late, and the whole house is very quiet, which I wasn't really aware of until about a minute ago when Scott's phone beeped and scared me half to death. a new text in the middle of the night.  Someone wants one of my things off craigslist.  (Since it's late and I'm tired, I'll go ahead and confess that since I'm half out of it, I had it in my head that the text must be from Lane, so as I was reading it, I kept thinking to myself....oh, how weird, how did he find our stuff on craigslist?...why does he want it???  Ba ha ha, clearly I need to go to bed.)
One more picture, I just had to show off that I have the one thing that so many people secretly want.  (Was taking pictures of the shades, but realized the money tree is more interesting.)  That's right, a money tree.  (In case you can't see it that well.)  Since it appears to be growing out of a hunk of wood, I'm not sure how to water/care for it.  Clearly, I want it to thrive.  If I take off one of these special dollars and plant it in the back yard, will it grow more money trees?  How will I explain to the girls that money doesn't grow on trees?
Oh, I almost completely forgot.  Long meeting one day at work, going over all kinds of junk.  At one point, one person said that a piece of our equipment is getting serviced by some company in Ames, Indiana.
"I think that's Ames, Iowa."
"Well, whatever....."
"They're all the same"
"It's not Texas, so who cares?"
"All those states are the same"
(Everyone was adding their input here.  Then the big boss piped up:  "One of the northern suburbs."  This seemed to satisfy everyone, so they all quieted down.  Except for me, who was laughing in the corner.  Where do they learn this stuff? Texas public schools?  Can we blame Rick Perry?  Is it something in the water?  One day Summer was being especially annoying, and I said to her, "Seriously, where did you come from?"  And without "missing a beat" as they say, she answered "Summer lives in Texas.")