Wednesday, June 19, 2013 I see

If anyone is into mousemeat, I think we have some good corn-fed mice ready to take to the locker.  The other night I was bringing in groceries, and I glanced at this bag of corn in the garage kinda in a daze.  Hmmm.....what happened to all the corn?  Oh.....that is why the garage is turning into mouseville.  Scott bought the corn to put out for wild hogs so that they would hang out in our backyard he could shoot them from the deck.  (Hasn't happened yet.)
 Random observation:  Why is it that if two people are in a room or a car or whatever, if one is cold and one is hot, the hot one always wins?  "Oh, I see you have some frostbite there on your feet, and, oh my, I can see my breath while we're talking, but I'm sure you understand why we have the air conditioner blasting.  I was feeling a little warm."  Oh yes, completely understand.  The other day I forgot to take my sealskin suit and parka to work with me.  On my way home, I had the heater on for over a half hour just to thaw out.
 So we did a new "craziest thing".  Maybe.  We have quite a list of crazy things, but over Memorial Day weekend, we left at 4:00 pm on Friday, drove to Ohio, got there at 4:00 pm Saturday, spent two glorious days there, and then drove all the way home.  (Twenty-two hours on the way home.)  I think the babies are a little afraid to get in the Jeep lately, they're afraid they'll never get out again.  I have to promise them we're not going far.
 Okay, I have to get this off my chest.  Was trying to be more discreet, or something.  First a disclaimer: I read somewhere an old phrase that goes, "Texas is heaven for men and dogs and quite the opposite for women and horses."  I don't know what the horses are mad about, but I'm a little concerned about taratulas.  Two of them.  At our house.  (Outside.)  The first one totally freaked me out.  Found it while mowing.  "Scoooootttt!!!  Hurry!!!  You're going to need your shotgun for this one!"  In order to calm down, I spent the next several days convincing myself that it was a freak thing and would never happen again.  And then it did.  I'm a little bit more calmed down now.  Scott killed them both, although I'm sure they have family around.  I'm trying to console myself that they are so big that they wouldn't even try to squeeze through cracks under doors or whatever.  (True story:  The day we find one of them in the house is the day the "For Sale" sign goes in the yard.)
 Speaking of mowing, it's like our new pastime around here.  Last summer, our mower died.  Anyway, we replaced it with a little pushmower.  The whole thing is kinda growing on me.  We've accepted the fact that our lawn is never entirely mowed, but we just keep mowing one part at a time, and by the time we finish it all, it's time to start over.  The other day I was mowing along and a mouse was running right in front of me.  For some reason, it was really interesting to me.  Eventually the mouse got away.  There was no guts flying or anything gross like that - I did not run him over.  (Also, Jesse has been doing this in his swing alot.  He leans to one side.  I was beginning to think he wants to go back and forth instead of side to side.  He was a little mad in the picture.)
 Was feeling jealous of all the people who have pictures of wonderful food on their blogs, so I tried some of my own.  This was for my last lunch turn.
 They were pretty good.  Unfortunately, they were overshadowed by some chocolate-mint cheesecake cupcakes which turned out to be easier to make, and everyone liked them better.  I hate it when the appreciation is not proportional to the amount of effort I went to.  Humbug.  These crazy pretzels things are almost not worth the bother.
 Jesse is growing a lot and is in the 95th percentile, I think.  This is a whole new thing for me - with both of the girls, I put them in a baby carrier and carried them around a lot during the day, and it's just not working with him.
 He's too heavy and too big already at three and a half months.
I guess he needs to learn to walk soon.  
 Summer had a very fun week last week.  She got to go to Vacation Bible School.  Ironic - can't say I worried about it a lot, but it did cross my mind that that was one thing we wouldn't get to do at a small church.  Anyway, turns out our church (or, more rather, the Rassi's and a nice lady who volunteered to help) did VBS last week for a bunch of disadvantaged kids in Austin....and Summer.  She had a great time.  (Although I was annoyed at her when she was leaving on Monday, she said "I will go to school and Lexi will miss me.")
 Lexi, turned out okay - she and Jesse read books together while Summer was gone.  I actually wanted to get a picture of them together because I have been calling them the twins since he is almost catching up with her in weight.  With them sitting together, they don't look as much the same size.

 The latest big news in our life.  We have a slab!  For a building, for Scott to use for a workshop.  Can't believe we've already been in our house for a year.  I still feel traumatized by that whole project.  So far, this building project is totally different and AWESOME!  We had that magical moment where you sign on the dotted line and three days later it's totally done.  No worries.  (Except for the part that involves dollar signs, but that's a whole other story.)
Anyway, we got a few different quotes on the slab.  The first people who came out were "Cowboy Concrete".  They didn't actually end up doing it, but the whole time these guys were working Summer kept asking me, "Is it the cowboys?  Are they cowboys?"  Etc.  (Of course I said yes, and the people who came didn't disappoint.  Most of them were wearing cowboy hats.)
 I included this picture just so people can sympathize with the nonsense I live with alllllllllll the time. Was walking through the kitchen and saw something at the table out of the corner of my eye.  Oh, right, the snowman, waiting to be served supper.
 Here he is.  All tucked in.  I'm sure this was Lexi's doing.
Anyway, there they all are.....sitting on the couch.  
Good night!