Thursday, April 22, 2010

The funny pictures...

Just another day hanging out on the couch
Uh oh, I see Dad getting out that camera. Think I'll throw a fit.
No! No! No! Nooooooo!

Seriously, I said No!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Random catch-up photos....

Ah, around here I feed mahself.

Nellie's latest haircut. I am a small poodle.

Here's an older picture of Summer with the classic "startle reflex". Getting a diaper changed can be a little alarming.

Love mah baths...

Ahh more milk!!

The ever-cool maternity photos. I thought she did some cool editing on this one.

This one is the most cheerful.

And this one is the coolest. Anyway, there's more, but I'll save them until you come to visit, if you're interested.


Hi! Thought I'd post more pictures of our happy baby. There she is all smiling. And oh...did you get new shoes, Rachel? Why, yes, thanks for noticing.

Just sitting with her tall dark dad. She still has bright blue eyes.

I think she likes the headband. It fits her now.

So happy!

This one's my favorite!

In the spirit of "everything's bigger in Texas", here's our new phone book that got dropped off. The top one is the purse edition, you know. Yesterday, as Summer and I were going on an adventure, we saw a herd of cats. I counted about ten or so. They blended right in with the trees. They looked like deer, but I remembered we were in Texas and knew they had to be cats....or mice.
Here's all my people sitting on the couch together. Maybe I should post a picture of Penelope's pretty haircut, for anyone who hasn't seen her.
I thought this was pretty cute. Scott was napping, and Summer was just peeking around.

Feeling sleepy. Sometimes I think she looks like a little redhead.

Looking so innocent, hard to believe that she sometimes (like last night) throws fits in the middle of the night.
Anyway, I have some other pictures of Summer that are hilarious. Anyone want me to post them?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Some pictures from the drive

So I guess we got our money's worth out of our space in the moving truck. The bikes on top of the pickup were a nice touch too. A little hillbillyish....if only Penelope had been gazing out the window of the back of the pickup, that would have completed the look.

I thought I would take pictures of the sights along the way, but the first windshield pictures I took were of the arch in St. Louis.

Most of the time I was distracted by the view inside the truck. Here's Summer napping in her car seat. Turns out pickup trucks are great for travelling with babies.

I only got one picture between St. Louis and Texas, but this picture is pretty typical of most of Missouri and Oklahoma. Pretty.

Welcome to Texas! Don't miss the Penske truck on the right that we followed for 1500 or so miles.

(These are high quality windshields photos....)

And my timing is brilliant. Ha ha ha. :)

Maybe tomorrow I will post some pictures of our new home & area. Especially the mountains that I have been hoofing up and down lately. I even had a runaway stroller down a mountain one day...don't worry, the bebe was in my arms. Mom, I thought you would be glad to know that Summer already learned the trick of starting out in the stroller and ending with me carrying her and pushing the stroller.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

More pictures


So much to write about, but here are the latest pictures of Summer!