Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No baby news, my friends

Ah...last time I checked the blog, I was kinda hoping someone had hi-jacked it and added some funny and interesting stories. Anyway, here is our latest.....this is the front of the house. (And that is Jim and Pat Rufener - who is doing the electrical work.) I'm sorry for them that it's not a great posed photo, but I'm glad that I have at least one picture of them so far (since I'm trying to get pictures of everything as we go, and already I missed getting a picture of Glen and Lois when they were here.....except for one random orchard tour photo, below...)

This is true, the little bird got that hunk of Velveeta out of the fridge (I had the door open), she opened the cheese herself (left the packaging in a messy heap on the floor), climbed up on the couch and was so happy eating it.
These pictures don't quite capture the great joy she had in doing this. Or the giant mess she made smearing it on the couch.
Busy at work.
This is my only sleeping picture this time. I've never let her sleep with a bottle before. It was kinda funny to me though, she was asleep, but would not let go of the bottle.

Another new thing for Summer (the cover hater), I was doing laundry....she was busy undoing it, but she tucked herself in here. Still doesn't like blankets when we put them on her.

I believe this was a total punt on my behalf.

Fine, baby, if you want to eat cat food, have at it.

At least the ladies are sharing and playing nicely together.

Another favorite hobby.

So far, has only fallen off the edge of the couch once.

Does this look dangerous?

Theory: One day Summer will fall off of here.

My response:

If it is before 9 am: devasted, feel guilty, rush to the emergency room

If it is between 9 and 3 pm: feel guilty, rock Summer, put ice on her ouchies, tell her it will be okay

If it is after 3 pm: look up from across the room, sigh heavily, say "looks like you got what was coming....I've only pulled you off of there 467 times today"

For all the pictures I take of these two, you'd think I'd have some brilliant ones, but somehow they are always distracted with stuff in the distance, etc.

I think Summer looks really cute though. Her wild hair has grown a lot.

Playing at the Brummitts.

What a sweet thing!

Another favorite hobby - put on big peoples' shoes.

Here we are on a tour of the Brummitt's pecan orchard. These folks were distracted with football and shoes.

Yep, they are missing some important Texas history and interesting pecan facts.

I am pretty much a pecan expert now. :)

Here's David telling tall tales.

And this is our only picture of Glen and Lois and Blake and Joelle. (Otherwise, I definitely would have deleted it. Pregnancy = not glamorous.)

View of house from the road.

Although more progress has already been made.

By the end of tomorrow, the roof (plywood and stuff) should be done.

Thanks to the hard work and help from Summer.

(Working so hard her little face is all red.)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

It finally happened!

Always thought it would, and finally today....someone fell from the upstairs to the first floor, and it wasn't Summer. (I had to clarify when they were telling me the story, you fell to the first floor or out the window? The window would have been farther, although possibly softer if the ground wasn't harder than concrete from severe lack of rain.)

It was Tristan.

He appears to be fine.

So, like I was saying before....





So we were driving home the other day, and we saw this rainbow.

Not a drop of rain in weeks.

I immediately thought this must be a message from the Lord.

Possibly this is the calm before the storm.

That's an alarming thought.

So, I pondered a little longer.

In the end, I decided it was a friendly reminder that I was out of Skittles, and it would be good to have some on hand in the next few weeks.

What a happy pair!

Maybe I was wrong about Tristan.

He just asked for some Tylenol.

We were at the house the other night, and this lone longhorn was hanging out in our backyard.

He had some nice horns, I was admiring them.

Recently it crossed my mind to wonder what the neighbor does with these guys when they reach the end of their life. I mean, it sure would be cool to have a nice hide for a accent piece in the middle of the living room floor. And bumming one from the neighbor, it turns out, could save the cost of almost two dishwashers, less a little bit of processing, or whatever you do to them.

(Yes, this is a very impressive self-portrait. My bebe loves me - not trying to escape or anything.)

So then as I was thinking about a beautiful hide, I was filled with regret.

How could I have been so stupid? Why did I not get someone (Scott) to save that snake I ran over and get his hide? That could have been great bragging rights for the rest of my life....

Have I ever told about the time Scott was casually telling a story....."about that snake that Rachel killed". Since he is cool, he didn't mention in the story that I killed it by means of driving over with vehicle. No, maybe everyone sitting there was imagining that I'm a snake fighter. Maybe I shot it with a pistol that I pulled out of my boot.

This is the part where Summer did escape. She did not fall out the window though. I helped her down. And yep, mostly I took this picture for evidence that my feet are still visible from my eyeballs, even though there is a giant baby in the way.

(This is the back view of the house, minus a kitchen window. I'm not really sure why it's covered up right now.)

So speaking of snakes and so forth, turns out we have Ranger Bill doing our HVAC on the house.

He came out the other day to check things out and had some tall tales about a water moccasin he just had a run in with in the last crawl space he was in.

I was beginning to doubt his story when the snake was about six inches around....and then after fighting with it for a while, he busted out a gun and shot it. That part really got me.

At least it was a good story.

Maybe I'll use some of his material next time I run into a gullible Midwesterner. If only I had a snake hide to go along with my tall tales.

Side view of the house.

Look how tall we are. (See our shadows?)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Not much new here

Summer = definitely most innocent when she's asleep
I'm beginning to feel like all I post is sleeping pictures of her. Which is ironic because she does not sleep much at all!!

But they were cute and innocent and I came in and took pictures.

Had an appointment for Cub #2 today. All is normal. Cub #2 might be normal/small (compared to Summer the Giant.)

Here's the latest on the house. I'm thinking about taking a break from visiting again, so I can have a big surprise next time I'm there. (Lately progress is boring.)

Here is Summer the climber, who climbed that ladder all the way upstairs by herself. (Not good.) Scott was hovering behind her.

Finally we took down the ladder, but she found the stairs. I believe she wore everyone out with her incessant climbing and then running around upstairs (no railings/walls keeping her from falling).

In the background, you can see that our windows, doors, patio doors, etc have arrived.

Also, we have showers/tubs. I didn't get pictures of them.

That's all for now. :)