Wednesday, October 19, 2011

There ain't enough Dr. Pepper in Texas

I believe the real song says "there ain't enough dancehalls in Texas".....right now, I couldn't care less about dancehalls. What I need is caffeine.

This is part of the caffiene problem. (I thought we were past this stage?!?!)

This is another part of the problem. (Let herself out the door and climbed up here by herself.)
Took this picture of Lex so that I would have at least one picture of her. Then I realized I have the next one too.

Haven't taken many pictures lately, so this is the best I have.

They say ashes are very good fertilizer. This is Miss Nancy's lawn now. Best it's ever looked since we were here, and notice her cute little tropical plant that we thought was dead before the fire. It burned completely and then came back to life.

I'm currently weighing the pros and cons if I were to eat an entire batch of cookies. On the one hand, they would be good, and I wouldn't be hungry anymore. The only problem I can think of right now is that they aren't made yet. (Hungriness vs. laziness.....I think those cookies are doomed. If I eat them right out of the oven, I won't even have to worry about counter space, or using more than one pan, just bake them, eat them, dish more out, bake them, eat them...this is how I could spend the rest of my evening.)

I got precisely zero reactions from this stunt. I thought at least Miss Nancy would ask me what's going on. That snake in the garage was really a frightening thing for a while, and then one day, I was out there, cautious as always, then lightning fast movement, and a lizard zipped by. Bigger than the average, but not a snake, so I think I'm safe.

(woodpecker in the tree behind our house)

Reasons why Rick Perry is cool:

- I heard this clip on the radio - someone asked him if he believed in gun control (this is the man who wears a gun in his boot): "I am actually for gun control. Use both hands."

Good one, Rick.

I'm trying to think if there's any big news around here. Stone on the house is done. Roof is getting closer. (It's complicated.)

I turned 29 for the first time. (Never know if I should stay stuck at 29 or if I should say "forever 21" when people ask. Just recently I told someone I was 21. They believed it, we carried on with the conversation for a while before I had to clarify. Hmmmm.....) To celebrate, we invited people over to our new house, had burgers on the deck. It was beautiful. (Did not mean to insinuate "we" as if I had anything to do with the planning/etc. Thanks to Lane and Lanae and Nate and Scott. I'm not sure who all planned it.) But it was beautiful. Watched the sun set, ate good food. Stayed out talking until the coyotes started howling. And then a little bit longer.

Anyway, revisiting a picture from a previous post:

The convention center in town has this quote from Willie Nelson. So I asked Scott if he thought it was a bad thing that in our town, we have quotes on the wall from a man famous for smoking pot and evading taxes.

Scott: "I believe he's famous for some other things too."

Me: "Ahm, he's not exactly Abraham Lincoln." Moral of the story:

Things, apparently, are different here.

And, revisiting other old pictures....should I get superstitious about this one? Remember when we saw the rainbow on our way home from town?

This is on the way from downtown Bastrop out to Tahitian.

I believe that I even mentioned that this is possibly a message from God.

I guess the rainbow is kinda hard to see in this picture, but notice the landmarks.......

This picture was taken from the exact same spot just a few weeks later.

An evening we spent at Bill Zeltwanger's.
Summer and her friend.
Well, that's about all for now.
Very much looking forward to Mom coming tomorrow.

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