Monday, December 5, 2011 I've seen hundreds of bobcats

Note: This is my funniest picture. I should have saved it for last, but I'm too lazy to move the pictures around. This was at the Festival of Lights in Smithville (Texas).
Adding some glamour to the blog. (And stealing photos.) From Lane and Lanae's trip to Ohio!

And this was the best day of Summer's life - when she went to the zoo with Lane and Lanae sometime back in October. (might have been one of the best days of my life too.)

I was voting for this to be some kind of Christmas picture.

So cute!

And, speaking of glamour.

(Hope I don't get busted for photo stealing.)

And now for some of our attempts at Christmas pictures.

I was hoping that a little bit of cropping and so forth could save these pictures.

Not sure about that, maybe I should just face the facts that we are not glamorous.

Anyway, where I saw the hundreds of bobcats.....

(This is really distracting because the Norwayne Bobcats just won the state football championship!)

My bobcats = completely unrelated.

Anyway, in his undisguised jealousy, Scott tried to convince me that I didn't see a bobcat. "Bobcats don't run down the road...." (This was how he started.) I was convinced, and the conversation ended with him deciding that the bobcat I saw was rabid because otherwise it would be, you know, jumping from tree to tree. (Did you hear that I saw a monkey....)

(Best Penelope picture EVER!!)

So the other night, last thing before I was going to bed (that means it was really late), I wrote a letter. And then, since I like things to be completed, I thought I would take it out to the mailbox. So it was late and dark, and I got halfway out there, and I saw a bobcat! And then another, and another, and another! By the time, I got back inside, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep!

Saturday we went to the Smithville Festival of Lights. (That would be Shella, Lanae, me, Summer, and Lexi - no men are involved, they are permanently working on the house.) Anyway, it was so hot, I turned the air conditioner on when we got home. Everyone was wearing short sleeves, and I was looking around thinking that it doesn't feel like Christmas.

(This may turn out to be our Christmas picture, if we can't get a better one.)

Then yesterday.....turned so cold we were all talking dog sleds and parkas.

(Or maybe this one should be the Christmas picture.)

So it's freezing and raining here. Raining so much actually that I think the drought is over.

A week ago, I was driving to town, and I saw smoke on the horizon, and then I looked another direction and saw more smoke, and then Scott called on his way home from work and said he saw smoke.

(This is not a Christmas picture.)

So anyway, checked on the internet, the burn ban is lifted.

This is big news! We've had a burn ban in effect for almost a year.(I've never done pictures in the mirror before. Never had Lexi in the baby carrier either. I think she likes it!)

So I guess we're not the only people who have a lot of stuff to burn.

Drove out to Glass Lane, and saw smoke in every direction. Drug out the hose, and started a fire. (Or Scott started a fire...)

We burned so much stuff.....

And we still have piles of mesquite to burn.

It was fascinating to watch.

In other news.....

Lexi's hair is falling out.

Hair is dark underneath. She has a thin layer of dark hair left on her "bald spots". This is my saving grace that I have been able to convince Scott not to shave her dear little head. He doesn't like the splotchiness. I'm thinking that if all the original hair falls out, at least she'll have a little bit of the short new stuff left. The cell phone drama is not over yet.

The phone I got....of course.....was some type of smart phone that needs a "data plan" added to our monthly bill. Hmmmm....don't think so.

And....ironically, it's like the only phone out there that isn't compatible with their backup assistant thing. So all of his contacts are currently lost.

This is so irritating.

He has been using that phone, and I've been looking for another.

So I thought we finally had success today.

Got another used cell phone.

Tried to get it activated....

Got halfway through the long annoying process, and the guy told me that he couldn't activate the phone because it was reported "lost or stolen". (Oh yeah, so suddenly I turn into the criminal...."Where did you get this phone, ma'm?")

I am about done with craigslist forever.

And I would have had that crazy woman who sold it to us thrown in jail, but the police in this town are occupied with other things.

So I was a little annoyed.

If Scott ever gets a normally functioning cell phone again, I will personally wrap it in bubble wrap, and keep it contained in an airtight container.

Too bad I will never be able to call him on it.

Anyway, this is Summer - who loves to put her shoes on herself nowadays. Shoes from two different pairs, both on the wrong foot. (She wasn't into posing for me.) = working on drywall. (Hallelujah!)

Love it when babies pose like this.

Goodnight, friends!

1 comment:

Grandma Mouse said...

As always, I love the pictures. I have been wanting to "meet LaNae", so I'm glad you stole the pictures. (Normally, I wouldn't promote stealing).

Thanks so much for posting the pictures. They are so fun to see. I love the stories also!!