Happy Easter! (A little late....)
Random note - I'm 99% sure the bunny was a teenage boy - he must have been paid a lot for that stunt. Had to hold babies all afternoon and wear that costume - it was in the high 80s that day.
I dug this picture out of Summer three years ago.
She was a little more shy around the bunny than Jesse.
Mom came to visit so we went on some outings. Here we are at the zoo.
Jesse is just starting to talk.
The only real words he says are "What's that?", but he likes to swing his finger around and shout stuff - I was thinking he was born to be a fire and brimstone preacher, but it doesn't seem to totally fit him. (See above.)
Okay, here's a new one to add to the list of gifts to give children of people you don't actually like.....other things on the list are: drum sets, live insect collections, pet snakes, etc. Add play dough to the list. This stuff has been driving me up the wall. The girls love it though.
Too bad this picture is blurry.
I guess we don't need to get any pets of our own. The other neighbor's dog has been coming over to visit. There are actually two dogs just like this one, and they do a lap of the neighborhood every morning. (Scott thinks they're spies. Their 'dad' is kinda crazy, so it fits that these dogs might be up to something.)
One of the neighbors cows with a newborn calf.
Went to the beach one day when Mom was here. I was picturing that I might take Summer into the waves a little bit, but mostly we'd play in the sand. Not so much....all three were diving into the water.
Although we did do the classic bury in the sand routine. (Lexi would not stay buried.....Summer was the only one who cooperated.)
Jesse is growing up...
The beach wore him out.
Went to the park one day and noticed the splashpad was open.
Another visiting neighborhood pet. This cat ran right into the house. Jesse grabbed her tail. The kids loved her. (I haven't decided what I think of her.....she did eat all of the macaroni and cheese off the floor. That was pretty convenient.)
Scott and Tonia.....
Neighbors dog again....Jess doesn't seem to mind that the dog is eating his hand.
Sorry so boring tonight. I need to practice writing and telling tall tales again after getting distracted by so many other things. Maybe next time will be more interesting.
1 comment:
Love the pics!!! I can't believe you guys are at the beach, and we have been bundled up to avoid freezing! Been nice last week or so though. Kids are so sweet! Miss you guys... Bet you're sick of hearing it... But man oh man that Jesse looks like his dad!! :)
Love you all!!! Tonia
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