Don't let the eyes fool you.
It's been a wild week! First tooth discovered on Wednesday (when her mouth was wide open screaming).
It's been a wild week! First tooth discovered on Wednesday (when her mouth was wide open screaming).
Trying to get a picture of the tooth was not easy.
It's on the bottom - front left. (I'm sure there's a scientific name for it.)
Getting wild...
Just hold still, little one!
"You pull on my lip, I stick out my tongue."
"Ha, ha, mouth is open. Too bad your camera's at the wrong angle."
Oh, there it is! (This is as good as it gets for a photo of the tooth for now.)
I was living dangerously here. Disturbing the sleep of the light sleeper.
Don't be fooled by the brightness - it's all from the flash. This was the middle of the night. These two were sleeping. It was precious, and I thought I could examine these pictures to see if these two look alike.
If your wondering why I was up in the middle of the night....I hope it's because of the tooth, but Bambi has been staying up later than ever, getting up all the time during the night, and getting up early in the morning....and taking shorter naps!
So I was saving myself trips to her bedroom by letting her sleep here.
So maybe they look a little alike?
Looking tired...
because getting teeth is hard!
Maybe if I eat this book I'll feel better.
That flash is really getting to me.....
But I'm such a lovable baby!
Thanks so much for all the great toys you make. We have quite a few of them. Love the bright colors. Cute animal themes. Rainforest, jungle - that's great! But did you ever think that maybe the screaming monkey and growling tiger sound effects might cause a baby to....
FREAK OUT?!? Thanks to you geniuses, I get to use the built in sound effects.....
almost never.
Anyway, I'm noticing that Summer doesn't really sit up on her own yet, so I thought she could get some practice. This is a sideways tumble.
No practicing here. Just lounging.
* We had a "cold front" (that's what the newspaper called it) during the week. It got down to 89 or so on Thursday.
* Saw my first scorpion. It was in our garage. Would have posted a picture, but prior to it's demise, that was our main concern. After said demise, there was nothing left to take a picture of.
* Took Bambi for a drive to get her to go to sleep tonight at about 11:30 or so. (It worked, hallelujah!) Drove through our little subdivision along the river by the golf course...saw a herd of deer (at least ten or so) on the golf course. It was beautiful and almost worth all the crying and fussing.