Friday, September 24, 2010

Welcome Lane!

Guess who this big happy smile was for?Lane!
A new pink pacifier...
Reading the paper together
I mean, eating the paper
Looking so innocent
Sound asleep
Our little orphan...
Scott wouldn't let me put a pink headband on her with her burnt orange Longhorns t-shirt. (I wanted to make sure everyone knew she was a girl, he said...."She looks like a little orphan when her clothes don't match.")
Playing peek-a-boo
Just do that 360 more times and maybe she'll get tired of it...
So much fun!
For some reason she looked so sweet when she was sleeping this week.
Or maybe just because she's been fussing more before falling asleep again. We suspect another tooth!
Got some new clothes. Bright blue to match her eyes.
Looking like a big kid in the new clothes.

1 comment:

Me and Mine said...

So cute, of course... Miss you all like crazy! Summer is getting so big. I am going to have to bribe her big time to be her favorite Aunt!!!