Friday, March 8, 2013

Baby Jesse Boy

So, it's already been two weeks since baby Jesse arrived.  
We are very happy and thankful.  This picture is my favorite "family photo" so far.  Speaking of photos, I am thoroughly annoyed from trying to upload more photos that keep making my computer freeze.  Whatever, if it's not one thang with this blasted computer, it's the next.  Anyway....

Little Lexi playing outside.  (Photos from before Jesse arrived.)  Lexi is getting a little double-chin.  I think it's kind of hilarious.  Just had her 18-month well child appt.  She's still hovering in the 10 percentile for size (with a double-chin, way to go, kid).

Summer (just had her 3-year appt.....still in the 75th percentile).   Not sure how that worked out.  Funny thing is Lexi eats a lot more than Summer.
For the record, of course I was not the person who did Summer's hair this day.  She's never sat still that long for me.

It was the babysitter who put these pigtails in both their hair.

Okay, here are the pictures of baby Jesse.  I think people are highly offended when I say all babies look alike, even though....they do.  Especially on the first day they're born.
I forgot that babies don't actually open their eyes for about the first three days or so.  Open eyes make a big difference in what you look like.
So, before he was born, I made three predictions....I thought he would have black hair at birth, blue eyes for the first few days at least, and that he would be bigger than Summer (8 lbs, previously the biggest baby around here).  I think Scott thought my predictions were lame because they weren't that interesting, I mean, Summer and Lexi both had black hair/blue eyes at birth.  And I was the size of a small house, so it wasn't really going out on a limb to say this kid might be kinda big.
So anyway, definitely right on the black hair and the biggest baby (8 lbs., 14 oz.).  Not sure about the eyes.
They are pretty dark.  I think they will eventually turn out to be brown, or possibly hazel.
Anyway, speaking of his size, I pretty much think of his birth weight with an asterisk.  He peed and pooed before they weighed him.  At first I was thinking if they had weighed him quicker, he probably would have been over 9 lbs.  The more I think about it, he probably would have been over 10 lbs.  (Or 11).
Anyway, there are brownies and ice cream here, so suddenly I don't have as much to say.
He's been a very good baby.  Sorry these pictures are lame.  I got some pictures that are so sweet, but when I was trying to upload them, the computer kept freezing.  Will try again soon.

 (Bummer that this picture is refusing to rotate.  It's one of my favorites.)

1 comment:

Grandma Hartzler said...

Adorable...Love the pictures and those precious children. Thanks for sharing! Love much, Mom