Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome to our Neighborhood

Yesterday we went for a little walk in our neighborhood to get some pictures.
Soon one of us checked out.
Unfortunately these pictures are in backwards order, but here is the tiny turtle I found. Double unfortunately, he's not alive. Scott's response to him being in the house: "Could you please get rid of that thing in case it comes back to life?" (And starts running around frantically, right?)

Here he was on the road.

See how tiny he was? (Like my shadow? It's for size comparison.)

We also saw this butterfly. Hard to get a picture of. It was Texas-sized, although it's hard to tell in the picture.
Here's the lazy Colorado.

And again, I was trying to get the red rocks in the distance - they're kinda covered by trees.
I almost ran this guy over. (It all happened so fast.)

Ah yes, this was another day. Two goats riding with the horse. Yes, this trailer was as precarious as it looks. At one point, one of the little goats' legs fell through the bottom of the trailer - he pulled himself back up. I was concerned for all of them. Just the other day I asked Scott...."Do you ever feel like you're living in a third world country?" That was when we were lost on a dirt road, although these guys kinda fit in that category.

This was our biggest downhill on our little walk. (Kinda scary with a stroller, or even just on foot without the stroller.) You can kinda see the Colorado running alongside the road down there.
Giant cactus in someone's yard.

I believe these things are called agave plants.

Here's some hills on our way to town. I didn't feel like the picture really captured the ups and downs. (This picture, of course, taken while driving, not walking.)

1 comment:

Me and Mine said...

Fun pictures. Girls will be getting of the bus here at work today, so will have to remember to show them. They ask almost daily when we are coming to see you guys!

Hey, was that a new car windshield I saw? What did you get?