Friday, August 20, 2010

More Wildlife

(The wild life of Summer and Penelope.)
Summer getting a bath.
Here's the beginning of the wildest night of Summer's life (so far). She fell asleep on the way home from church - which is always great. But then she woke up (crying) when we moved her to her crib.
I picked her up and fed her and she fell asleep in my arms - very rare. It was fun holding a sleeping baby.
She was sound asleep, so finally I laid her down. As soon as I laid her down, she did a big stretch and opened up her eyes. I was expecting more tears.
But instead she started giggling. And babbling. I stayed and listened for a while. Then walked out of the room.
This is what I found when I came back. She was so happy. It was the middle of the night. I stayed in her room with her for quite a while.
Finally she settled down enough to lay back down. (This is our weekly edition of Summer in her crib with Lamb and Orange....ignoring Orange lately.)
And finally.....asleep!
One of her favorite places to play. (Rachel, what is with the giant wall of boxes in the background? Yeah, yeah, I brought our boxes of books back from being in storage in a building behind the church. I was worried about them.)
I think Summer has had a cold this week. This was one glorious day after she finally fell asleep after a big fit.
Are we going for a walk?!?
I'm ready to go!
Playing pat-a-cake with her feet.
Looking so innocent in her little white outfit.
Here's my dear sweet Penelope sitting with me, looking so innocent. Her wild story of the week: Summer and I were sitting in the dining room, Scott was in the bathroom, and all of the sudden I heard a tremendous racket from the living room. (I thought someone was breaking in.) It scared me, and my heart was racing and all the sudden Penelope tore through the dining room and down the hallway. It all happened so fast. I still don't really know what happened, but halfway down the hallway, a glue trap (for insects) fell off of Penelope. It was covered in her fur. Maybe she got in a fight with it....
So....turns out Scott does self-portraits too. This was the funniest one of Bambi.
Here's my view of Penelope from the other end of the hallway. She was sleeping on the sewing machine cabinet, and I could only see her little head sticking out the doorway.

Here she is when I walked down the hallway to pet her.
Hello friends!

Pick me up, please.
Fell asleep in the stroller. Always a good way to get her to sleep, but not always a good way to keep her asleep. So often, I'll take her for a walk, so she'll fall asleep, and then she does fall asleep, and then right when we get back home, the neighbor's dog across the street goes crazy and wakes her up. So the other day, we were walking, and she fell asleep, and I was so happy, and the dog was silent, so I thought life was good, and all the sudden, a little girl popped her head out of the neighbor's house. "Hello!" (High pitched. Very loud.) She came out to chat. So we chatted a little bit.
"What are you doing?"
"Well, the baby is asleep, so I was going to take her home to crib."
"He's not asleep anymore." (Why does everyone call her a him?)
I look at Summer. Giant blue eyes - wide open. "That's right. She's supposed to be asleep."
Anyway, she fell asleep again soon, but sometimes I think the whole neighborhood is conspiring against Bambi's naps.
Fell asleep in the swing.
Trying to get the bird. Finally interested in the bird. No interest in the banana (other side) yet.
So sweet how she's being so kind to the swing leg.
This snake in the driveway (not our driveway - Praise the Lord!) is our only real wildlife for the week. I love how he's trying to attack the vehicle - standing up like that.


Me and Mine said...

I love all these pictures. Miss you guys so much. Will try to get you some new pictures tonite or tomorrow. XOXOXOXO

Grandma Mouse said...

Just loved all these pictures and the commentary! Very entertaining!! I've laughed each time I've gotten to the part about the nap and the neighborhood conspiring...I guess you can tell I've looked at these pictures a bunch of times already!!

You do a great job of helping us get to know your life there!